Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Charlie Munger–Shareholder letters 1957-1970
Two years ago, Dan Grossman posted about the Warren Buffett shareholder letters on his (now defunct) blog.
Finally, I have copies of all of Buffett’s annual reports from 1957-1970. They’re spectacular; if you’d like a copy, let me know and I’ll send them to you. Unfortunately, I was asked not to post them publicly, though I’m told that emailing is OK.
He’d received the letters from Brad Feld.
I commented on the post and Dan graciously shared the letters. I also checked the box to receive e-mail notifications of new comments on the thread. Today, two years later, I continue to receive notifications and direct e-mails from people looking for the letters. (Perfect example of the Long Tail at work.)
The letters clearly say it’s not okay to post them, but, like Dan, my understanding is it’s okay to e-mail them. Leave a comment on this post if you want a copy and I’ll email them to you… and thank-you comments are always appreciated. (If I’m in error posting them, just let me know.)
(Note: You can find PDF’s of the more recent letters (post 1977) here: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/letters.html, and the text of the 1969-1976 letters here: http://stableboyselections.com/2008/08/25/the-missing-berkshire-hathaway-letters-1969-1976/.)
I also have a copy of Charlie Munger’s speech entitled Academic Economics: Strengths and Faults After Considering Interdisciplinary Needs presented to the University of California, Santa Barbara Economics Department on October 3, 2003.
Update: These are the Warren Buffett partnership letters–not the Berkshire Hathaway letters form 1970 to 1979, or the Bluechip Stamps letters. I don’t have the Bluechip Stamps letters, and I’m not sure where to get them.
Hello, send me please first letter of Buffett to partners, I think the letter was in 1956
Mail: oliver1stocks@gmail.com
Hi Jeff,
7 years later and you’re still getting requests :).
Could you please send me the partnership letters as well as the Charlie Munger’s speech.
Jeff – re-reading The Snowball and started googling around Dan Grossman and your blog popped up with the entry about having the old partnership letters. If you can I would greatly appreciate you emailing them to bixellenbecker@hotmail.com
Such a find.
Hi Jeff,
Awesome work you are doing. Could you please send me the partnership letters (1957-70) as well as Charlie Munger’s speech at abhigup01@gmail.com.
Hi Jeff,
Same as one of the comments above; I seen the name Dan Grossman in Snowball and searched his name. Could you please send me the Buffett Partnership letters and the Munger speach when you get a chance. kinggar27@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance,
Hi Jeff – Would you mind sending me the letters at maxisultan@gmail.com ? Hugely appreciated. Thanks!!!
Hi Jeff,
Haha I’m also reading the Snowball and at the Dan Grossman page right now! Could I have the old partnership letters? I never thought I could find it. Thank you very much.
Hi Jeff,
Can you please send to me?
Hi Jeff,
I would also like to request a copy of the letters. Please send to: pjw028888@gmail.com
Whatever commenters aboce repeatedly said. Thoroughly captivated by the character and business
Would you actually send them please?
Hi Jeff, would you send to bc.chandler@protonmail.com? Thank you kindly!
Hi Jeff,
Not sure if you’re still reading these comments 10 years later, but if so, if you wouldn’t mind emailing me a copy of these letters I would greatly appreciate it! So cool how you found a copy of these! Thanks for this posting
Hi Jeff!
I see it’s going on 10 years here, but if the offer still stands I’d appreciate it if you would send me a copy of the partnership letters!
Best regards!
May I ask you to email a copy of Buffett’s annual reports from 1957-1970 and Munger’s speech from 2003 you reference? Also, the http://stableboyselections.com site apparently does not exist anymore. May I have the 1969-1976 letters if you have them? Thank you for keeping the snowball rolling!
Hi Jeff,
I stumbled across your blog much like some of the others, hearing/reading Dan Grossman’s name on Snowball, googling him, and finding my way here. Could you email a copy of the 1969-1976 letters to marshall.felder@gmail.com?
Thank you ahead of time
Hi Jeff,
I hope you still look at these comments!
Would you please send me a copy of the 1957-1970 letters?
Thank you very much
Kind regards,
Jeff, thanks for this blog and post!
I’d love to read those letters. If its ok, can you please email me a copy of the 1957-1970 partnership letters?
Hi Jeff,
Hope this is still active. Like everyone else, I found your blog after reading Snowball. If you don’t mind, can you please send me a copy of the shareholders’ letter from 1957 to 1970, Munger’s speech, and 1969 to 1976 letters? Thank you very much.
Hopefully, this is still active.
I have just finished the chapter in The Snowball mentioning Dan Grossman and landed in this website from Google. I would appreciate it if you can share Buffett’s annual reports from 1957-1970 and Munger’s speech from 2003 you reference?
My email : shivo_man@hotmail.com
Thank you so much.
Hi Jeff,
I just came across Buffett taking on Grossman as an apprentice, googled him, and found your page.
I really like fellow Buffett / value-investing followers and look forward to reading articles you’ve written and interviews you’ve given.
Could you please email a copy of the 1957 – 1970 Buffett annual reports and Munger’s UC Santa Barbara speech?
Thank you so much
Hi Jeff,
Currently reading snowball and wanted to learn more about Grossman. Would be awesome if you could send the Buffett Partnership letter and Charlies speech. Thank you!!