Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Charlie Munger–Shareholder letters 1957-1970
Two years ago, Dan Grossman posted about the Warren Buffett shareholder letters on his (now defunct) blog.
Finally, I have copies of all of Buffett’s annual reports from 1957-1970. They’re spectacular; if you’d like a copy, let me know and I’ll send them to you. Unfortunately, I was asked not to post them publicly, though I’m told that emailing is OK.
He’d received the letters from Brad Feld.
I commented on the post and Dan graciously shared the letters. I also checked the box to receive e-mail notifications of new comments on the thread. Today, two years later, I continue to receive notifications and direct e-mails from people looking for the letters. (Perfect example of the Long Tail at work.)
The letters clearly say it’s not okay to post them, but, like Dan, my understanding is it’s okay to e-mail them. Leave a comment on this post if you want a copy and I’ll email them to you… and thank-you comments are always appreciated. (If I’m in error posting them, just let me know.)
(Note: You can find PDF’s of the more recent letters (post 1977) here: http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/letters.html, and the text of the 1969-1976 letters here: http://stableboyselections.com/2008/08/25/the-missing-berkshire-hathaway-letters-1969-1976/.)
I also have a copy of Charlie Munger’s speech entitled Academic Economics: Strengths and Faults After Considering Interdisciplinary Needs presented to the University of California, Santa Barbara Economics Department on October 3, 2003.
Update: These are the Warren Buffett partnership letters–not the Berkshire Hathaway letters form 1970 to 1979, or the Bluechip Stamps letters. I don’t have the Bluechip Stamps letters, and I’m not sure where to get them.
Thanks for the note on the Buffet letters.
I would like to write a post on my blog to link Charlie's Rose's interview of Buffet…
http://www.charlierose.com/activity/most-popular (7 one down)
…with how he runs his company.
Match the voice to the action, if you will.
Thanks for the note on the Buffet letters.
I would like to write a post on my blog to link Charlie's Rose's interview of Buffet…
http://www.charlierose.com/activity/most-popular (7 one down)
…with how he runs his company.
Match the voice to the action, if you will.
Hi,Could you please send me the letters?
I'm interested in reading them to find out about Warren Buffet's thinking about the economy and maybe get some hints as to what made him one of the most successful fund managers.Thanks.
Sure–e-mail sent.
Can you send me the emails as well?
E-mail sent.
Could you please send me the emails too if you have a chance?
Thanks a lot,
Hello Jeff
I would very much appreciate if you could send med the 1957 and 1958 letters from BPL. I have the all of the other letters, except for those two years. I find original material to be much more informative and a much better source for learning, compared to commentary from third persons. Also it would be nice with a full collection
I would also very much like a copy of Munger's speech.
If you could send the documents to my e-mail I would be thankful.
Thank you for your inconvenience,
Hello Jeff
I would very much appreciate if you could send me the 1957 and 1958 letters from BPL. I have the all of the other letters, except for those two years.
I would also very much like a copy of Munger’s speech.
If you could send the documents to my e-mail I would be thankful.
Thank you for your inconvenience,
wang(come from china ??)
Could you please mail me the BPL letters?
Hi Jeff,
I would love a copy of Mr. Buffett's letters you mention as well Mr. Munger's speech. I am a huge fan, like you, of the two great investors and I relish in reading their words. Thanks in advance for your generosity!
I think I caught up on everyone now–let me know if you didn't get a copy and still want one.
Hello Jeff,
Could you please send me the emails too?
Thanks a lot,
Hi Jeff,
Thanks very much for offering to share these letters. Would be grateful if you can send me a copy of the 1957-70 letters when you get a chance.
I have been investing actively for about five to six years now and reading Mr Buffett has not only improved my returns but has also increased my belief that living with integrity and wisdom is actually the real wealth worth having. I would love to read everything this exceptionally wise gentleman has written.
E-mail sent.
Hello Jeff
I would appreciate if you could send me the partnership letters as well as the Charlie Munger’s speech.
Hi, Jeff
I think I am a serious investor and also fan of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, so those partnership letters as well as Charlie's speech is very attractive to me. I would be very appreciate if you could send me those stuff.
Many thanks!
I would like to see how Buffetts thinking had started to evolve.
E-mails sent!
I am big fan of Warren Buffet. I'd love to get a copy those letters and Munger’s speech.
Long tail indeed! Thanks for keeping these alive. I'd love a copy of these letters as well if you don't mind.
Hi Jeff,
Would you please send me those letters?
I am reading "The Snowball" and "The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street". It is quite interesting reading them in parallel. It would be nice to be able to refer to those letters.
All the best,
Hi Jeff,
Could you please send me the partnership letters as well as the Charlie Munger’s speech. It would be appreciated very much.
I have been reading the letters about Mr. Buffett for many years except the partnership letters. I am so interested in what he thought about investment when he was young and had small capital. It could be very helpful for my personal investment in such a hard time today.
Thank you very much!
Hi Jeff,
I was wondering if I could also get a copy when you get a chance. Thanks
Hi Jeff,
I was wondering if I could also get a copy of the letters. Much appreciated. Thank you.
Hey, would you mind emailing me the partnership letters. I am a long time buffett fan but I've had trouble finding any of the letters besides the Berkshire Hathaway ones. I'd really appreciate it!
Hi Jeff,
Would you please send me a copy of the Buffett partnership letters along with Munger's materials as well?
I greatly admire Buffet and would love some insight into his early investment career.
I am in the middle of reading Snowball at the moment and am in complete awe of this man's intellect and skill.
Thanks a lot!
E-mails sent. I check here every so often, but if you want a faster response, you can always send me an e-mail.
Hi Jeff,
I'am reading about the snow ball:warren buffett and the business of life.From the book,I know there are warren buffett's partner letters I have not read, so please send me a copy of the Warren Buffett partnership letters.
thank you very much!
waiting for your email??
Please send me the letters over here in Australia.
Reading The snowball, I read that Charlie Munger also issued letters about life and practices, separately to his investor letters. Do you know anything of Munger's episltles?
Thanks in advance
Hi Jeff,
Could you please send me the letters?
Thanks in advance
Caught up with everyone.
Hello Jeff,
Please send me the letters. Very much appreciated. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.
please send me the Buffett Partnership Letters.
Thanks, Brent Adams
Hi Jeff,
Please send me the letters. Very much appreciated. I will also send you an email. Thanks a lot!
how are you doing!
I am a Buffet freak form China,you must know this country for 2008 Olympic Game.
I am so appreciate that if you could mail 1957-1977" buffet's annual letter to shareholders" to me ,my e-mail address is cacavy@gmail.com.Thank you so much!
a friend from China
Hi Jeff,
could you please send me the Buffett letters (1957-1970)?
Thanks very much in advance
Caught up.
Could you email me the letters? It would be great to read and have them
Could you email me the Buffett letters?
Caught up on this week's requests.
Hi can you please send me a copy of the letters.I would love to read them…….
Thank you for sharing. Could i trouble you for a copy of the pre 1977 letters as well. Thanks again.
Hello, If you get the chance, could you please send the the Buffett Partnership letters? Thank you very much.
Hello there,
I'd love a copy of what you're sending if you can spare a moment. Thanks a lot in advance!
Caught up on sending letters to recent requests.
I would be very grateful to receive a copy of these letters as well as Munger's material.
Thank you!
can you kindly give me one copy? thanks very much!
Emails sent.